Natural and Traditional Climbing Anchors Clinic with Climbers of Color - REGISTRATION
Photo: Lorenzo Carlos
Join Climbers of Color instructors Sof (she/they) and DJ (she/they) for this affinity clinic for Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPoc) during the Index Climbers Fest!
Building secure belay or rappel anchors and making solid gear placements and evaluations provide the foundation of outdoor rock climbing. In this clinic, you’ll review the principles of anchor construction and understand what makes a solid anchor, focusing on what you can do when fixed hardware (like bolts) are not an option. We’ll discuss how to use natural features, like trees and boulders, to create anchors. We will also go over traditional climbing gear, how to assess placements, and how to build anchors in a variety of configurations.
Whether you are new to traditional climbing and want to know more about the gear involved, or you’re an experienced trad climber looking for feedback and to learn new systems - it will be a great day out. This day is valuable for anyone who wants to build secure climbing anchors with confidence, and begin to open up new terrain opportunities. Whether you’re interested in refining more of your traditional climbing skills or getting into multi-pitch and/or alpine climbing, it will be a great day focusing on systems that keep us and others safe and having fun out on rock. Throughout the day, you’ll be in a small group, with BIPoC peers and Climbers of Color instructors, providing you with mentorship in new techniques and skills.
Sliding Scale Price: $47.50 - $95.00 * Scholarships Available
While the list price for this clinic is $95, Climbers of Color is offering sliding scale pricing to increase access. If you can afford the higher price, please consider doing so so we can offer more scholarship slots for this clinic.
Length: 7 Hours (9:00AM-4:00PM)
Date: Saturday, September 9, 2023
Ratio: 6:1 student to instructor (max. 12 students)
Level: Best suited for Beginner to Intermediate Climbers
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Setting up a top-rope using natural features such as trees or rocks.
Setting up a top-rope anchor using trad gear
Setting up a multi-pitch anchor using trad gear
Photo: Truc Allen
Why we build anchors
Climbing knots used in anchors and anchor systems
Placing spring-loaded camming devices
Placing passive protection
Evaluating natural features such as trees or rock for use as an anchor
Climbing knots used in anchors and anchor systems
Using slings or cordelettes to equalize anchors (Shared Load)
Top Rope anchors
Lead climbing Anchors
Multi-directional/multi-pitch anchors
Rappel anchors
This 7 hour clinic will begin at 9:00AM at the Index Town Walls Parking Area. After a full day of new skills, our day concludes with a traditional debrief to share our thoughts and progress for the day. Students should expect to depart at 4:00PM.
Lunches and snacks
Personal Climbing Equipment (Harness, Helmet, Shoes) - If you need any of this gear, you are welcome to borrow from Climbers of Color at no additional cost.
Personal clothing appropriate for the weather
Transportation to and from the meeting location
AMGA Trained Guide/Instructor from Climbers of Color
All group climbing equipment
Activity Resources
Download Sample Gear List- The “Additional Climbing Gear for Advanced Rock Courses” gear noted in the list will be needed for this clinic. Participants do not need to purchase gear for this clinic. Please bring as much of the gear that you have.
No previous outdoor climbing and belaying experience needed.
Minimum Age
Students 12-15 years old, accompanied by a parent or guardian
Students 16-17 years old, with consent from a parent or guardian and prior approval by The Mountain Bureau (please call or email prior to enrolling)
All programs are subject to the Mountain Bureau LLC Terms & Conditions